Thursday, November 11, 2010


Damn I was just blessed to watch a private show to see NAS and DAMIAN MARLEY. As I was in there , the host was some goofy fat dude in a suit trying to air pass invisible blunts to the crowd while dancing to that old duchie song. HA! But I was already blown. My peops and I snuck around the corner of Highland and Hawthorne and blessed the air with some sweet cheeba cheeba LOL! Any how , so we saved some for the concert. As soon as NAS and D started performing , I kid you not it was on like donkey kong. Sativa clouds just lifted everywhere. I was maybe 5 rows towards front stage. " NAS !!!!!! YOUR THE FUCKING SHIT!!!" is what I yelled over the crowd. My boy was just star struck like whut the fuuuuk. Ahahahahaha yea man. And all this happened live to be broadcasted for the Jimmy Kimmel niguh. Yo that niguh likes the DISTANT RELATIVES?? Well then that niguh is cool with me!!! " hey I'm down with you man... you eastcoast? I far east coast